Img2CAD 8.6
778 KB

Img2CAD 8.6

Turns images into formats compatible with CAD programs
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4
778 KB

In order to edit and improve raster images using AutoCAD, you will need to transform them into vector images first. Img2CAD performs such conversion process in a neat and straightforward way, allowing you to customize certain aspects of the transformation process so that the resulting images fit your specifications. Besides, it includes a number of automated enhancing features that improve the quality of the output CAD files on the fly.

As a conversion tool, Img2CAD couldn’t be more straightforward – it simply requires you to load any number of individual images (or of full folders containing images) in nearly any conceivable format and pick the desired output format and a destination folder. All the output formats supported are compatible with AutoCAD’s specifications, namely DXF, EMF, WMF, and HPGL. Alternatively, you can open the Options dialog and define the thinning value (either Center Line or Outline), scale the image in order to enlarge it, determine a color threshold to tell the program which colors will be used in the vectorization process, and which objects you want the converter to identify (arcs, dash lines, circles, polylines, arrow lines, and hatches).

During the conversion process, Img2CAD will add a few other internal automated routines to make sure that the converted images offer the highest level of quality possible. Thus, it will increase or decrease the brightness and contrast values for you and will perform a number of correction tasks – namely, intersection restoring, aligning, and fragment joining (to line, arc, circle, and polyline). Finally, it will also straighten the images using a reference line. These enhancing features, useful as they surely are, are completely out of the user’s control – you have to trust Img2CAD in that it will make the best possible adjustments to your input images in order to produce the best possible results.

You can convert any number of image files in just one single operation regardless of their original supported formats – the output format though cannot be selected individually for each input image, so they all will be converted to the selected format and following the settings selected in the Options dialog.

FM Senior editor
Francisco Martínez
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Review summary


  • Converts to all CAD-compatible formats
  • Allows for customization of the color threshold
  • Select the objects to identify
  • Supports nearly all image file formats for the input
  • Processes images in batches


  • No control over the enhancing automated processes
  • The output format cannot be selected individually per image when converting batches


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